Home Services

Winnifred Stewart Residential Services

A home defines part of who we are, and the Home Services at Winnifred Stewart helped to transform a giant life stepping stone into a possibility for many individuals. In our quest to empower people and inspire dreams, Winnifred Stewart offers various types of living arrangements to support individuals with all levels of diverse abilities and varying preferences. We encourage individuals to choose a living arrangement that is fitting to them.

In our residences, individuals live semi-independently, pursuing activities and employment or volunteer opportunities during the day, and receive evening and overnight support. Two of our homes are devoted to providing services to aging individuals who require increasing support.

For individuals looking for more independence, our Outreach residential program provides assistance with daily living skills, including banking, grocery shopping, cooking, and community involvement, or any other type of support that may be requested. The Outreach program supports individuals in their own home whether they live on their own or with a roommate.

Our latest residential endeavour, Joey's Home(photo above), was completed in 2007 and offers options for both assisted living and independent living in one complex.

Finding a home means finding a community where we belong, discovering friendships and developing meaningful relationships. Individuals of Winnifred Stewart and their families find their meaning of home through our Home Services.

For more information on Home Services, contact 780-453-6707 or email us.

Looking for information on funding for housing support?

The Alberta Supports Contact Centre (ASCC) is now the Government of Alberta’s main resource for Albertans who require information on housing supports.  

The ASCC, which falls under the responsibility of Alberta Community and Social Services, is a centralized point of contact for Albertans seeking information on employment, disability, financial, healthcare, housing and homelessness, childcare, seniors, guardianship and trusteeship, and abuse and bullying prevention services and programs.  Establishing the ASCC as the government’s main portal for all housing-related inquiries will help ensure Albertans in need are assisted in a holistic and efficient manner through the provision of referrals and information on all relevant social programs from a single point of contact.

For more information, please contact:

  • 1-877-644-9992 (toll-free province wide);

  • 1-800-232-7215 (TTY province wide, ask to speak to Alberta Supports); and

  • 780-427-9999 (TTY Edmonton, ask to speak to Alberta Supports).